Diet anti-acne

Research now shows that eating lots of fruits, vegetables, low sugar and flour can not only streamline the waist, but also reduce acne. According to experts in dermatology, consume the right foods can improve the condition of facial skin to 20%. This means that diet plays a role in some people, but also must be accompanied with proper skin care. Conversely, certain foods may play a role in allegedly causing acne. The following foods should be consumed and should be avoided

Should be consumed are
1. Nuts

rich source of omega-3 fatty acid plants, which can reduce inflammation. Although there was no specific studies that have linked omega-3 with acne, theoretically, omega-3 prevent inflammation around the sebaceous glands, which means overcoming a red swollen pimple around

2. Fishes

efficacy of fish oil in proven combat inflammation may decrease the risk of coronary artery disease thanks to omega-3 fatty acids in these oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are also good for acne helps overcome. Oily fish such as salmon, herring contains the most omega-3, but taking fish oil supplements can also help.

3. Bilberry

this dark blue berry is one of the best sources of antioxidants that reduce inflammation, one of the main causes of acne. Unfortunately, bilberry hard to find. Are also good sources of antioxidants and are easier to find a blueberry. But the fruit or other vegetables also contain several antioxidants. Proverb says, eating fruits and vegetables, and do not eat dessert.

Should be avoid

1. Milk and the milk`s product

some studies conclude, milk plays a role in acne due to hormonal content. Suspected hormone stimulate the oil glands that cause acne. All types of milk, ranging from low fat, skim and full fat milk to give a role in acne formation.

2. Simple carbohydrates foods

White bread, potatoes, potato chips is one example of simple carbohydrates. All have high levels glikemiks index, which means the possibilities cause an increase in glucose and insulin levels after meals. This increase in oil-producing stimulating hormone, androgen, which can cause acne.

3. Snack and sweet drinks

Foods containing sugar will also give a role in the formation of acne on the face. snacks and beverages such as cookies, cakes, unsweetened fruit juice and soda, causing the increase in insulin and glucose levels may play a role in developing acne. Certain sugars can cause hyperinsulinemia, a condition where the amount of insulin in the blood is higher than normal, and is commonly found in women who have polycysticovary syndrome, a hormonal disease.

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