Diebetes Melitus

Diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes are symptoms that occur in a person due to high blood sugar levels. These blood sugar levels caused by a lack of hormone insulin or the amount of insulin but not effective enough (insulin resistance). Sugar as a source of calories the body's cells into the body through food, and circulated throughout the body. Then the sugar will get into body cells, such as the heart, kidneys, muscles, and others. By the body's cells, this sugar is used as a source of energy. This is indeed what occurs in normal people. In people with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes mellitus, the door where the sugar into the cell is damaged, so the sugar can not enter into cells optimally. If sugar can not enter into the cell, then the sugar will accumulate in the blood stream and when checked, the sugar content is high. Because the body's cells do not get food, go hungry for long. Therefore, there is diabetic heart disease because heart muscle not getting enough sugar. The same with the kidneys, because not enough sugar that can then be required dialysis. There are 4 types of diabetes mellitus. Type 1 is usually in children (usually children). His body did not have insulin. Diabetes Type 2 is the explanation in previous paragraph. Type 3 diabetes is gestational diabetes which is common in pregnant women, and diabetes type 4 is due to other causes, such as drugs, disease and so forth. To determine sugar levels or diabetes mellitus immediately recognize this disease needs to be examined a person's blood sugar levels. Diabetes Mellitus is said to suffer from disease when fasting blood glucose> 126 mg / dL or blood sugar levels after fasting >

Tips Menyikat Gigi yang benar

Tips Menyikat Gigi yang benar

Sering sewaktu kecil kita mendengar pesan dari kedua orang tua kita ketika kita masih kecil berbunyi “Yang kencang sikat giginya, supaya bersih!” ya, pesan itulah yang kerap kita dengar. Anggapan itu ternyata salah, justru menyikat gigi terlalu keras semakin memperparah gangguan pada kesehatan mulut.

Menyikat gigi terlalu keras dapat menyebabkan gusi menjadi turun sehingga gigi menjadi sensitif. Menyikat gigi terlalu keras dapat mengikis enamel gigi. Disamping itu, gusi dapat menyusut dan dentin (lapisan gigi yang terletak antara enamel dan pulpa) menjadi terbuka. Padahal dalam fungsinya, dentin ini penting sebagai penghubung saraf pusat bagian dalam gigi. JIka ini tidak terlindungi, dapat menyebabkan rasa ngilu pada gigi dan gigi menjadi sensitif.

Akibat adanya sifat gigi yang sensitif ini, ia dapat menimbulkan rasa ngilu dan dapat pula menjadi tanda adanya gigi berlubang, gigi retak, atau gusi pada bagian leher gigi mulai menyusut sehingga leher gusi yang tadinya tertutup oleh gusi menjadi terbuka.

Oleh karena itu, berikut tipas dalam menyikat gigi

· Pilihlah sikat gigi yang tepat, yaitu yang bulu sikatnya lembut dan kepala sikatnya sesuai dengan ukuran mulut kita.

· Sikatlah gigi dengan arah bulu sikat membentuk sudut mendekati 45 derajat atau dengan gerakan memutari kea rah tepi gigi dari arah gusi ke gigi

· Khusus untuk gigi sensitif dianjurkan untuk menggunakan pasta gigi yang khusus untuk gigi sensitif, hal ini dikarenakan pasta gigi khusus tersebut mengandung Potassium citrate yang mampu menyerap ke dalam struktur gigi dan meredakan rasa ngilu di daerah sensitif, sehingga efeknya langsung terasa begitu Anda selesai menyikat gigi.

Cancer, a disease or not?

Today, the word cancer is synonymous with death. So, no wonder if the cancer is often said to be a disease of death. Cancer is one of the world's deadliest diseases in addition to other diseases such as AIDS, heart disease and other diseases. At the beginning of cancer is not a disease but is a condition in which certain cells in the human body there is a significant growth high. Cell growth rate exceeds the rate of growth of other cells in the body. As a result, other cells experiencing growth inhibition in other cells so that the work can not be done because of these cancer cells. Cancer is said when a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell division had made an assault on the cells, organs, or the existing network in the body earlier. The ability of cancer cells are attacking the human biological tissue by means of direct growth (grow around other biological networks) or to cell migration to distant places or often referred to as metastasis. The growth of the cancer cells resulted in a change in human DNA. Resulting in a shift work system in the human body. The word cancer necessarily identical with the tumor, this is the major difference that the cancer was a disease or not. The word cancer has a real sense is the state of human cells to grow abnormally, while the tumor is a disease. So often we hear that there is a CRUEL TUMOR, there is also a benign tumor. The tumor itself has a meaning swelling (taken from the Latin). Tumor itself refers to an abnormal mass of tissue. TUMOR A CRUEL say if the tumor has the properties such as cancer cells, ie growth which is not normal while the benign TUMOR not have such properties. And at this present moment CRUEL TUMOR which is the main perpetrator that caused the death at this time. Therefore, there is a branch of science-technology development of biotechnology by exploiting the rate of growth of cancer cells is very high for the health interests of the human body, technology is often known Technical terms hybridoma or monoclonal antibody (medically).

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