Diebetes Melitus

Diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes are symptoms that occur in a person due to high blood sugar levels. These blood sugar levels caused by a lack of hormone insulin or the amount of insulin but not effective enough (insulin resistance). Sugar as a source of calories the body's cells into the body through food, and circulated throughout the body. Then the sugar will get into body cells, such as the heart, kidneys, muscles, and others. By the body's cells, this sugar is used as a source of energy. This is indeed what occurs in normal people. In people with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes mellitus, the door where the sugar into the cell is damaged, so the sugar can not enter into cells optimally. If sugar can not enter into the cell, then the sugar will accumulate in the blood stream and when checked, the sugar content is high. Because the body's cells do not get food, go hungry for long. Therefore, there is diabetic heart disease because heart muscle not getting enough sugar. The same with the kidneys, because not enough sugar that can then be required dialysis. There are 4 types of diabetes mellitus. Type 1 is usually in children (usually children). His body did not have insulin. Diabetes Type 2 is the explanation in previous paragraph. Type 3 diabetes is gestational diabetes which is common in pregnant women, and diabetes type 4 is due to other causes, such as drugs, disease and so forth. To determine sugar levels or diabetes mellitus immediately recognize this disease needs to be examined a person's blood sugar levels. Diabetes Mellitus is said to suffer from disease when fasting blood glucose> 126 mg / dL or blood sugar levels after fasting >

Tips Menyikat Gigi yang benar

Tips Menyikat Gigi yang benar

Sering sewaktu kecil kita mendengar pesan dari kedua orang tua kita ketika kita masih kecil berbunyi “Yang kencang sikat giginya, supaya bersih!” ya, pesan itulah yang kerap kita dengar. Anggapan itu ternyata salah, justru menyikat gigi terlalu keras semakin memperparah gangguan pada kesehatan mulut.

Menyikat gigi terlalu keras dapat menyebabkan gusi menjadi turun sehingga gigi menjadi sensitif. Menyikat gigi terlalu keras dapat mengikis enamel gigi. Disamping itu, gusi dapat menyusut dan dentin (lapisan gigi yang terletak antara enamel dan pulpa) menjadi terbuka. Padahal dalam fungsinya, dentin ini penting sebagai penghubung saraf pusat bagian dalam gigi. JIka ini tidak terlindungi, dapat menyebabkan rasa ngilu pada gigi dan gigi menjadi sensitif.

Akibat adanya sifat gigi yang sensitif ini, ia dapat menimbulkan rasa ngilu dan dapat pula menjadi tanda adanya gigi berlubang, gigi retak, atau gusi pada bagian leher gigi mulai menyusut sehingga leher gusi yang tadinya tertutup oleh gusi menjadi terbuka.

Oleh karena itu, berikut tipas dalam menyikat gigi

· Pilihlah sikat gigi yang tepat, yaitu yang bulu sikatnya lembut dan kepala sikatnya sesuai dengan ukuran mulut kita.

· Sikatlah gigi dengan arah bulu sikat membentuk sudut mendekati 45 derajat atau dengan gerakan memutari kea rah tepi gigi dari arah gusi ke gigi

· Khusus untuk gigi sensitif dianjurkan untuk menggunakan pasta gigi yang khusus untuk gigi sensitif, hal ini dikarenakan pasta gigi khusus tersebut mengandung Potassium citrate yang mampu menyerap ke dalam struktur gigi dan meredakan rasa ngilu di daerah sensitif, sehingga efeknya langsung terasa begitu Anda selesai menyikat gigi.

Cancer, a disease or not?

Today, the word cancer is synonymous with death. So, no wonder if the cancer is often said to be a disease of death. Cancer is one of the world's deadliest diseases in addition to other diseases such as AIDS, heart disease and other diseases. At the beginning of cancer is not a disease but is a condition in which certain cells in the human body there is a significant growth high. Cell growth rate exceeds the rate of growth of other cells in the body. As a result, other cells experiencing growth inhibition in other cells so that the work can not be done because of these cancer cells. Cancer is said when a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell division had made an assault on the cells, organs, or the existing network in the body earlier. The ability of cancer cells are attacking the human biological tissue by means of direct growth (grow around other biological networks) or to cell migration to distant places or often referred to as metastasis. The growth of the cancer cells resulted in a change in human DNA. Resulting in a shift work system in the human body. The word cancer necessarily identical with the tumor, this is the major difference that the cancer was a disease or not. The word cancer has a real sense is the state of human cells to grow abnormally, while the tumor is a disease. So often we hear that there is a CRUEL TUMOR, there is also a benign tumor. The tumor itself has a meaning swelling (taken from the Latin). Tumor itself refers to an abnormal mass of tissue. TUMOR A CRUEL say if the tumor has the properties such as cancer cells, ie growth which is not normal while the benign TUMOR not have such properties. And at this present moment CRUEL TUMOR which is the main perpetrator that caused the death at this time. Therefore, there is a branch of science-technology development of biotechnology by exploiting the rate of growth of cancer cells is very high for the health interests of the human body, technology is often known Technical terms hybridoma or monoclonal antibody (medically).

hazardous substances contained in cigarettes

In maintaining health, take a few things that can support our health. In Indonesia, smoking is one of the social ills at this moment. Smoking makes the health of our bodies become weak, this is because it contains several harmful substances that exist in cigarettes.

As we know, in his cigarette pack itself contained the words "Smoking can make the cancer .... blah .. blah .. and other diseases." Though each of us smoke a cigarette, then 4000 kinds of substances dangerous to get into our bodies. Here are some of the substances contained in cigarettes is very harmful to the health of our bodies, among other

1. Tar
Tar, is a substance contained in cigarettes and is very dangerous for our bodies. Tar is the major cause of cancer for heavy smokers.

2. Nicotine
Nicotine is an organic chemical compound on the type of alkaloid. Nicotine can be found in plants such as tobacco and eggplant-terungan. Nicotine is the main cause neurological disorders, nicotine is a nerve poison contained in the cigarette that every time we burn and suction.

3.Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide is the result of incomplete combustion gas hydrocarbon compounds. This gas is a gas that can be found in people who are smoking. Carbon monoxide gas is the main cause of the people who poisoned the air. Exposure to carbon monoxide gas can cause disturbances in the central nervous system and the human heart.

Know of breast cancer and breast cancer symptoms

Causes of breast cancer until now presumed by a complex interaction of many factors such as genetic, hormonal and environmental. Some factors that increase the risk of breast cancer are older age, an early first menstruation, uisa older at menopause, older age at first birth or never been pregnant, and family history. Early prevention is the most useful in terms of preventing the occurrence of cancer in every woman. Realize (by way of examining their own breasts) by checking the state of his own body every month, the examination should be done after the menstrual period is completed. The trick is to reflect and consider whether there are abnormalities in the breast. Then put your arms above your head and look back to two breasts. Furthermore bowed to 90 degrees, then check it again. Lie in bed, put your left hand behind his head, then put a pillow under your left shoulder. Touch the left breast with his right hand fingers. Check is there a lump in the area. Then check whether there is a lump or swelling in the left armpit. Do the opposite for the breast and the armpit to the right. From such prevention, breast cancer indication could recognize the form

  • Swelling of all or part of the breast
  • Skin irritation or dimpling
  • Breast pain
  • Nipple pain or enter into
  • Redness or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
  • nipple discharge, or there are other nipple fluid milk
  • lump in the armpit area

Reconizind an uric acid

Gout or everyday terms is uric acid, occurs when too many heap of uric acid in the body. Although not yet found what the provocation, according to the National Library of Medicine, United States, people with diabetes, kidney disease and the obese at greater risk. Gout symptoms presumably consisting of :
  • Sudden swelling in one or more joints, often in the knee, ankle or big toe
  • Sickness attacked in daylight and can be very sick or joints felt crushed
  • Hot and red in the joints and is accompanied by a very sick feeling
  • Fever accompanies joint pain

Loneliness can increase blood pressure

A recent research conducted by the University of Chicago found that loneliness and lack of connection with others can increase the risk of high blood pressure in people aged 50 and older. The research involved 229 people with a range of ages ranging from 50-68 years, who answered questions about their loneliness and connection with others.

In 4 years, participants' blood pressure increased by 14.4 millimeters of mercury at more than the people who are most happy socially. The researchers also noticed the effects of depression and stress, but found the increase in blood pressure among people who are lonely. Loneliness is marked with motivational encouragement to relate to other people but also the fear of negative evaluation, rejection and disappointment.

The people who have lots of friends and social networks can feel lonely if they find their relationship is not satisfactory. While the people who live alone may not be lonely if their relationship is a little meaningful and enjoyable. According to researchers, the loneliness factor behaves like a unique health risks

Omega 3 controls colonic polyps

Researchers University of Leeds, England found that omega-3 in the form of eicosapentaenoic acid may help reduce the number and size growth of precancerous colon polyps in people who are genetically likely to develop it. Studies involving 55 people who previously had surgery adenomatous polyposis and continually monitored. Twenty-eight patients were randomly assigned treatment with omega-3 for 6 months and 27 others given a placebo. The result is found, the number of polyps increased by almost 10% in the placebo group but fell by more than 12% in the group given the omega-3. Polyp size was also increased by more than 17% among the placebo group, but fell more than 12.5% as eicosapentaenoic acid group, representing the difference just below 30%.

Preventing skin cancer by examining the symptoms in our skin

check your own skin regularly can help to find any signs of skin cancer can be done when making treatment in early-stage cancer. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, we must recognize that the changes in the skin, especially the growth in size and appearance changed. Note also every mole, birthmark or freckle that looks irregular, changing the color or size, or painful or bleed. The following are some ways to recognize the state of the skin to prevent skin cancer

  • Look in the mirror, check the front and rear body, and lift the arm and inspect the inside
  • Bend your elbows and check all the arms, hands, and palms
  • Check the front and rear legs, upper and lower legs and between your toes
  • With a hand mirror, look at the back, neck and scalp. Separate the hair to be seen and examined the scalp
  • Use a hand mirror so you can see the back of the back and the buttocks

Diet anti-acne

Research now shows that eating lots of fruits, vegetables, low sugar and flour can not only streamline the waist, but also reduce acne. According to experts in dermatology, consume the right foods can improve the condition of facial skin to 20%. This means that diet plays a role in some people, but also must be accompanied with proper skin care. Conversely, certain foods may play a role in allegedly causing acne. The following foods should be consumed and should be avoided

Should be consumed are
1. Nuts

rich source of omega-3 fatty acid plants, which can reduce inflammation. Although there was no specific studies that have linked omega-3 with acne, theoretically, omega-3 prevent inflammation around the sebaceous glands, which means overcoming a red swollen pimple around

2. Fishes

efficacy of fish oil in proven combat inflammation may decrease the risk of coronary artery disease thanks to omega-3 fatty acids in these oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are also good for acne helps overcome. Oily fish such as salmon, herring contains the most omega-3, but taking fish oil supplements can also help.

3. Bilberry

this dark blue berry is one of the best sources of antioxidants that reduce inflammation, one of the main causes of acne. Unfortunately, bilberry hard to find. Are also good sources of antioxidants and are easier to find a blueberry. But the fruit or other vegetables also contain several antioxidants. Proverb says, eating fruits and vegetables, and do not eat dessert.

Should be avoid

1. Milk and the milk`s product

some studies conclude, milk plays a role in acne due to hormonal content. Suspected hormone stimulate the oil glands that cause acne. All types of milk, ranging from low fat, skim and full fat milk to give a role in acne formation.

2. Simple carbohydrates foods

White bread, potatoes, potato chips is one example of simple carbohydrates. All have high levels glikemiks index, which means the possibilities cause an increase in glucose and insulin levels after meals. This increase in oil-producing stimulating hormone, androgen, which can cause acne.

3. Snack and sweet drinks

Foods containing sugar will also give a role in the formation of acne on the face. snacks and beverages such as cookies, cakes, unsweetened fruit juice and soda, causing the increase in insulin and glucose levels may play a role in developing acne. Certain sugars can cause hyperinsulinemia, a condition where the amount of insulin in the blood is higher than normal, and is commonly found in women who have polycysticovary syndrome, a hormonal disease.

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